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Goddard High School - Roswell, New Mexico - NM | GreatSchools.Goddard High School in Roswell, NM

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Goddard high school in roswell new mexico 


- Goddard high school in roswell new mexico


Skip Navigation. Search box. NOTE : The inclusion or exclusion of a school in this locator does NOT constitute an endorsement goddard high school in roswell new mexico the school and should NOT be used in any way to infer the accreditation status of the school. Source: Gdodard Public school dataschool years. Department of Education.

School Directory Information school year. District Name: Roswell Independent Schools district information. Mailing Address: E. Phone: Type: Regular school. Charter: No. Grade Span: grades 9 - School Details school hkgh. County: Chaves County schools in county. Total Students:.

Enrollment Characteristics school year. Enrollment by Grade:. Two or More Races. Enrollment by Gender:. Free lunch eligible 1 : Reduced-price lunch eligible 1 : Free lunch eligible by Direct Certification 2 : Please see this blog post for more information regarding free or reduced-price lunch and direct certification eligibility counts in CCD. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for schools that opened in продолжить чтение school year will not be available rosqell the full file is released.

The directory information on school name, address, перейти на источник phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of school level data for Data goddxrd on student membership and staffing are from the official school level goddard high school in roswell new mexico for National Center for Education Statistics.



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